Sunday, October 26, 2008

Some days are diamonds/some days are stone

Having a small business is hard. I stood all morning at the sink and sanded teethers by hand as my wee one sat at my feet on the linoleum and played trains. I wanted to be on the floor too. I just feel like it is important to not always talk about the swooning and delirious happy aspects of owning a small business, of building a small business. It is also hard and makes me choke back tears at the amount of time we have all spent as a family these past months (so...very..few)

I think it is all worth it. I think we are on a learning curve, much like parenting where one day we will just go, "ah yes" and things will settle until they are ready to explode again. We are teaching our children about hard work and following paths and the creative life. And some days are just hard. That's all.

But like we always say if it were easy everyone would be doing it right? If it were simple it would not be so thrilling!

xo Happy Sunday!

1 comment:

resa troyer said...

you've been tagged

hope you have fun!